Monsoon visit in offbeat location in Darjeeling Tabakoshi is the best.

Travelers in mountain village especially in offbeat location is an exciting experience. Most of the offbeat tourism location in monsoon is finds landslide prone zone. ,

Tabakoshi is a such destination that trailers can visit in Tabakoshi in monsoon too. The roads leading to Tabakoshi from Darjeeling, and Siliguri is always open in monsoon season too.

Tabakoshi welcomes you with blooming wild flowers , Lush green tea gardens covers with green valley, river Rang bhang flows in a full shape, lots of streams and waterfalls can be cited in around Tabakoshi.

Monsoon visit in Tabakoshi
Tabakoshi valley

Budget for monsoon package:

We are offering room tariff with discounted price with food and lodging system. During your monsoon visit transportation charges for pick up, drop and for sightseeing will be available discounted price.

Travelers’ who intend to visit in low budget , they can reach Tabakoshi by sharing taxi also reaching directly to Tabakoshi and also available share taxi on returning till Siliguri.

Tabakoshi turns into serene beauty with lush green valley ,River Rangbhang flows in full shape. One can enjoy rains in hills seating in balcony of the room. White clouds calls you to accompany with it hiding behind the hills.

This is the best time to visit for botanist student to discover different ferns and fern verities of plants in the hills of Tabakoshi. The fern verities is yet to be discover.